Monday, November 4, 2019

Honest in My Brain is Best Policy

Honest in My Brain is Best Policy
How many times have I let the devil on my shoulder con my brain into ignoring the truth. I'm a very honest person except with myself. "Only one bite doesn't need tracking", "I don't care", "It was a half cup" when it was clearly a whole cup, or any of the rest of my self lies. And why do that? Really, why? Who am I hurting by sneaking food here and there?
And Only Me!
So my policy when I rejoined WW was I would be honest in my head. As honest as I am to everyone else. It is funny that if someone I trust asked me how many points I had this weekend, I would say 66 and 60 (approximately on the tracking because I did it after the fact and I was a munch head through and through). But what do I tell myself? "Well I wasn't too bad". Bull, I was a pig. And I do not care if WW says to be your own best friend. My besties would buy me the cookie and maybe two. So that just doesn't work. I have to face the truth that I have eaten like a pig and work to not do that.
My resolve has been to be honest in my brain and to track whether I like the final number (a subset of being honest to myself).
To be honest with myself and my blog, I am pleased that I am doing that because it is hard to quit if I'm being honest with myself. I do care and I want to stop gaining weight. And next Monday I will be honest with my WW weigh in and actually weigh in.

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