Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Another First Day

Today is another restart to the endless process known as my life. Food is my life. How I wish it wasn't. How I wish I felt like a normal person with a normal need for food. Not an all out, all consuming thought process about where my next bit will come from. Since my my blog title says it all, I'll give a brief background.

In February I started the "maintaining" stage of my diet. I'd done it; I'd lost the weight. About 75 pounds of fat had been eradicated. Not for the first time but I'd prayed and hoped for the last time. For several months, I did a decent job of maintaining. Weight fluctuations are normal.

But today, my weight loss total is 65 pounds, not 75, I feel fat and angry at myself. I've regained 10 pounds, 5 of which have been in the last month.

Enough is enough, I will go back to the process I'm a queen at. I'm a great dieter. OCD at dieting. No morsel passes my lips without logging it. Bites here and there cease today. When I get to work, the snacks will be tossed in the garbage. I will lose that horrendous horrible 10 pounds and someday maintaining will be something I'm just as successful at as dieting.

Today is my ANOTHER FIRST DAY. Tonight I'll be back to post my success because it will not be a failure.

1 comment:

  1. Mid-day update... So far so good. So far no snacking and the hunger feels good after several days of mindless eating. I do think work is way harder to stay angelic at then at home. Frustrations tend to make me grab for food. Alas, there isn't any since I followed through and tossed all my snacks in the office garbage bin. No dumpster diving.
